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■ 题目描述
1.Given A=[1,1,3], B=[2,2,1] and S=3, the function should return true. We could assign patients in the following way:[123]where the K-th element of the array represents the number of the slot to which patient K was assigned. Another correct assignment would be[213] On the other hand,[2,2,1] would be an incorrect assignment as two patients would be assigned to slot 2.
2.Given A =[3,2,3,1], B=[1,3,1,2] and S=3, the function should return falseThere are only three slots availablebut there are four patients who want to visit the doctor.It is therefore not possible to assign the patients to the slots so that only one patient at a time would visit the doctor.
3.Given A=[2,5,6,5], B=[5,4,2,2] and S=8, the function should return true.For examplewe could assign patients in the following way: [5, 4,6,2].
4.Given A=[1,2,1,6,8,7,8], B=[2,3,4,7,7,8,7] and S=10, the function should return false.It is not possible to assign all of the patients to one of their preferred slots so that only one patient will visit the doctor during one slot.
Write an efficient algorithm according to the examples above.:
package Microsoft // you can also use imports, for example: // import "fmt" import ( "fmt" )